Unicon 20
Unicycle World Championships 2022
Grenoble, France
26 July - 6 August, 2022

100m Competitors

These competitors are in ID order. Not in competition-order

ID Name Age Group Country
2 Connie Cotter
50+ Female United States
5 Jim Sowers
50+ Male United States
17 Galina Ryom-Røjbek
19-29 Female Bulgaria
28 Mathias Bracke
17-18 Male Belgium
30 Cynthia Vauthier
30-49 Female France
43 Martin Schmid
30-49 Male Switzerland
44 Geneviève ILCINKAS
30-49 Female France
52 Samuel Coupey
30-49 Male France
58 Erika Worsøe
15-16 Female Denmark
63 Tiago MARANT
17-18 Male France
75 Richard Tharrett
19-29 Male United States
79 Julie De pachtere
19-29 Female France
85 Christophe PETUYA
30-49 Male France
86 Timothée PETUYA
13-14 Male France
87 Annika Kraus
17-18 Female Germany
91 Henrik Kraus
13-14 Male Germany
92 Torben Kraus
0-12 Male (24"), 24" Wheel Germany
95 Laurent Descombes
30-49 Male France
97 John Foss
50+ Male United States
104 Timo Hirschmann
19-29 Male Germany
108 Göta Bürkner
30-49 Female Germany
113 Nina Ehl
19-29 Female Germany
116 Loïs Poujade
19-29 Male France
117 Gerti Franz
50+ Female Germany
121 Zoe Rappsilber
13-14 Female Germany
122 Lena Vocke
19-29 Female Germany
136 Selma Bainouti Stensland
50+ Female Morocco
138 Domenik Altmann
19-29 Male Germany
139 Sebastien GOLLIET
30-49 Male France
145 Michael Höhne
50+ Male Germany
164 Nadine Martin
19-29 Female Germany
166 Benoit LECLAND
30-49 Male France
168 Kysook Kim
50+ Female Korea, Republic of
171 Jaein Kim
30-49 Male Korea, Republic of
172 Nari Jeong
30-49 Female Korea, Republic of
178 Caroline Tittel
15-16 Female Germany
180 Aurélien Paulmier
19-29 Male France
183 Fabián Reyes Toledo
19-29 Male Chile
184 Elise Blad
19-29 Female Netherlands
201 Annalena Söll
17-18 Female Germany
213 Roger Davies
50+ Male United Kingdom
216 Rene Kasteneder
30-49 Male Germany
13-14 Female Taiwan
224 Sonja Brandwitte
17-18 Female Germany
225 Rüdiger Auernhammer
50+ Male Germany
228 Manuel Bless
19-29 Male Switzerland
235 Romarine VALLEE
19-29 Female France
15-16 Female France
238 Niklaus Ruess
50+ Male Switzerland
242 Alain SCHAAL
30-49 Male France
243 Nicolas POTIER
30-49 Male France
248 Jules PETUYA
15-16 Male France
252 Johanna Dumann
17-18 Female Germany
253 Sebastian Attenberger
19-29 Male Germany
254 Annalena Gröger
17-18 Female Germany
255 Katharina Gröger
13-14 Female Germany
256 Loïc Tollance
50+ Male France
262 Jürgen Franz
50+ Male Germany
263 Joseph Boquiren
50+ Male United States
269 Nicolai Krieger
19-29 Male Switzerland
274 Antonia-Theresa Schrey
17-18 Female Germany
276 Arthur DESCOMBES
13-14 Male France
277 Marco Hafemann
50+ Male Germany
280 Tamy Hafemann
15-16 Female Germany
282 cyril ravet
30-49 Male France
284 Mathieu GOLLIET
17-18 Male France
286 Titouan GOLLIET
13-14 Male France
288 Emilie PLESSIS
30-49 Female France
294 Thomas Ravet
15-16 Male France
301 Loïc GUIFFAN
50+ Male France
312 Lisa Herbst
19-29 Female Germany
319 Aurélien BERGER
13-14 Male France
322 Alexandre BERGER
15-16 Male France
331 Oliver Alexander Nielsen
13-14 Male Denmark
336 Amandine Lemoine
30-49 Female France
352 Nathan Zengel
50+ Male Germany
358 Karen King
13-14 Female Switzerland
359 Jun King
0-12 Male (24"), 24" Wheel Switzerland
365 Cirice ALLARD
19-29 Male France
368 Konstantin Antonov
13-14 Male United States
378 Pia Kasteneder
0-12 Female (24"), 24" Wheel Germany
381 Leonie Czimek
19-29 Female Germany
382 Alina Czimek
19-29 Female Germany
392 Philipp Schmid
19-29 Male Germany
403 Yvain Walrafen
17-18 Male France
410 Anna-Lena Keil
0-12 Female (24"), 24" Wheel Germany
421 Laura GERARD
0-12 Female (24"), 24" Wheel France
432 Pascal Metry
30-49 Male Switzerland
445 Baptiste Demule
15-16 Male France
460 Günther Schumacher
50+ Male Germany
465 Emma Ring
17-18 Female Denmark
466 Jan-Mathis Hein
19-29 Male Germany
467 Kurt Leder
50+ Male Switzerland
478 marin michau
19-29 Male France
486 Ingrid Kreuzer
30-49 Female Germany
490 Anna-Maria Perkmann
19-29 Female Italy
492 Maya Hanifle
13-14 Female Italy
494 Valentina Gruber
0-12 Female (24"), 24" Wheel Italy
498 David OTTMANN
19-29 Male France
499 Finn Boder
17-18 Male Germany
500 Jan Boder
17-18 Male Germany
501 Jörg Boder
30-49 Male Germany
502 Antoine ALBERT
50+ Male France
503 Lilou LE GOFF
17-18 Female France
505 Johanna Sturm
17-18 Female Germany
508 Romain MARRAPODI
19-29 Male France
509 Klaas Bil
50+ Male Netherlands
514 Tilio Morne Boutet
13-14 Male France
515 Fanelle Morne Boutet
15-16 Female France
522 Georg Schumacher
50+ Male Germany
525 Marie Lemonnier
30-49 Female France
527 Capucine COUPEY
0-12 Female (24"), 24" Wheel France
530 Luis Albers
19-29 Male Germany
537 Josefine Faurby
17-18 Female Denmark
540 Eliette Cardona
50+ Female France
553 Matthieu ROJDA
30-49 Male France
569 Rochelle Braaf
50+ Female Australia
581 Malte Roggatz
19-29 Male Germany
586 Matthew Davis
19-29 Male Australia
589 Joris BRIET
13-14 Male France
591 Robert Empl
50+ Male Germany
592 Yoonjoo Kim
0-12 Female (24"), 24" Wheel Korea, Republic of
594 Yoonsun Kim
0-10 Female (20"), 20" Wheel Korea, Republic of
598 Taewook Yun
0-12 Male (24"), 24" Wheel Korea, Republic of
600 Manon HUITRIC
17-18 Female France
605 Ryosuke Bansai
19-29 Male Japan
614 Koon Sing Chan
19-29 Male Hong Kong
615 Melanie Reich
19-29 Female Germany
617 Robert Mager
50+ Male Germany
618 zoé le goff
17-18 Female France
621 Pierre TERRISSE
17-18 Male France
623 Jesper Roggatz
19-29 Male Germany
625 Karin Lang
15-16 Female Italy
628 Lisa Hagedorn
17-18 Female Germany
636 Yves Métry
30-49 Male Switzerland
637 Manon CHAZOT
13-14 Female France
638 Jonas Pfannenstein
17-18 Male Germany
639 Gabin CHAZOT
0-12 Male (24"), 24" Wheel France
644 Tobias Pfannenstein
13-14 Male Germany
13-14 Female France
662 Chan Koon Bong
19-29 Male Hong Kong
664 Malou Bret
19-29 Female France
666 kazuki kubota
19-29 Male Japan
671 léane ravet
17-18 Female France
680 Yara von Ah
17-18 Female Switzerland
681 Angelo Olbrich
19-29 Male Germany
682 Ida Kofoed Sloth
0-12 Female (24"), 24" Wheel Denmark
683 Axel AMANI
15-16 Male France
684 Engelbert Schmid
50+ Male Germany
704 Lucie STOEHR
15-16 Female France
710 Zoé Grillot-Faynot
13-14 Female France
714 Lilou JOUFFRAY
13-14 Female France
719 Linda Gock
30-49 Female Australia
721 Andreas Arnswald
50+ Male Germany
754 justine pujol
17-18 Female France
759 Elise Bouzon
15-16 Female France
780 SERENDERO Mary-Alin
50+ Female France
15-16 Female France
786 Jan Schubert
30-49 Male Germany
19-29 Male France
791 Jean Léraillé
30-49 Male France
794 Arthur ISOIR
19-29 Male France
798 Ole Jaekel
30-49 Male Germany
803 Mike Watson
50+ Male Australia
804 Cathy Watson
50+ Female Australia
805 Valentine STOEHR
15-16 Female France
806 Benjamin Bebst
50+ Male Germany
818 Daria Kaletsch
17-18 Female Switzerland
848 Elyott Depery
19-29 Male France
850 Marie Petersen
15-16 Female Denmark
856 Benjamin FAYET
15-16 Male France
859 Karine FAYET
30-49 Female France
861 Patrice JOUFFRAY
30-49 Male France
862 Fabien FAYET
30-49 Male France
865 Jana Poster
17-18 Female Germany
869 Benjamin Fischer
19-29 Male Germany
904 Pierre CAIGNAN
19-29 Male France
905 Jennifer Rueß
19-29 Female Germany
906 Sophie Ortar
50+ Female France
13-14 Male France
912 Stefan Meier
50+ Male Switzerland
914 Jack MEREL
50+ Male France
915 Michel Arets
50+ Male Belgium
920 Séphora Caignan
17-18 Female France
921 Isa Mook
15-16 Female Netherlands
926 Samuel Caignan
19-29 Male France
927 Lindsey Siebelink
19-29 Female Netherlands
928 Alix BERARD
13-14 Female France
930 Luca Jaekel
15-16 Male Germany
946 Lena Bomm
17-18 Female Germany
952 Thierry Desailly
50+ Male France
13-14 Female France
958 Shuhei Kawai
19-29 Male Japan
961 Leonie Brandwitte
19-29 Female Germany
962 Clémentine Demangeat
19-29 Female France
965 julie pujol
15-16 Female France
973 Matilde Nikolajsen
15-16 Female Denmark
977 Johnny Jensen
50+ Male Denmark
50+ Male France
996 Eskild Andersen
50+ Male Denmark
998 Pascal Schorno
19-29 Male Switzerland
1000 Antoine Bienaimé
19-29 Male France
1005 Sebastian Sohr
30-49 Male Germany
1007 Amandine Furst
0-12 Female (24"), 24" Wheel France
1009 Maximilian Sohr
19-29 Male Germany
1011 Laura Salvisberg
19-29 Female France
1013 florent chevalier
19-29 Male France
1022 Lisa Vidal
19-29 Female France
1027 Alexandra Sandmann
30-49 Female Germany
1033 Lena Freimuth
19-29 Female Germany
1034 Thierry DUMONTEIL
30-49 Male France
1040 Mathilda Illichmann
15-16 Female Germany
1041 Quirin Illichmann
0-12 Male (24"), 24" Wheel Germany
1043 Anaïs Hebinger
19-29 Female France
1048 Jan John
30-49 Male Germany
1056 Elise Muller
13-14 Female France
1068 Clément COUDERT
15-16 Male France
1075 Florian Petronin
15-16 Male France
1077 Larissa Barten
30-49 Female Germany
1078 Wout Van Damme
15-16 Male Belgium
1098 Jens Günther
30-49 Male Germany
1099 Nina Nentwig
17-18 Female Germany
1120 Artuur Heyvaert
19-29 Male Belgium
1131 Xenia Hillebrand
19-29 Female Germany
1137 Gert-Jan De Vleeschouwer
19-29 Male Belgium
1141 Michel HENRY
50+ Male France
1173 Felix Caspelherr
30-49 Male Germany
1174 Michael Siegel
30-49 Male United States
1191 Valentin De Bruyne
13-14 Male France
1202 Brad Cox
30-49 Male Australia
1211 Josué Barreto
50+ Male Puerto Rico
1215 Simon Thoma
19-29 Male Germany
1225 Rolf Leonhardt
19-29 Male Germany
1236 Jitske Verwaal
19-29 Female Netherlands
1245 roche thibaut
19-29 Male France
1254 Claudio Harringer
30-49 Male Austria
1259 Felix Messer
30-49 Male Germany
1262 Elodie Labrette--Duchene
0-12 Female (24"), 24" Wheel France
1264 Julia Sandner
19-29 Female Germany
1293 Anja Hilble
30-49 Female Germany
1324 Lisa Hanny
19-29 Female Germany
1326 Aymeric Georget
19-29 Male France
1334 Pablo Celorrio
17-18 Male Spain
1347 Emilie Brun
19-29 Female France
1359 Aurore MOTSCH
15-16 Female France
1376 Louise Grimaldi
0-12 Female (24"), 24" Wheel France
1386 Marie Pilz
0-12 Female (24"), 24" Wheel Germany
1394 Camille vogler
0-12 Female (24"), 24" Wheel France
15-16 Female France
1397 Tess Germond--Truptil
13-14 Female France
1407 Fleur van Eerten
17-18 Female Netherlands
1408 eloi roche
19-29 Male France
30-49 Male France
1413 maxence LARDY
0-12 Male (24"), 24" Wheel France
1421 Katharina Raugust
19-29 Female Germany
1431 Isabell Ponto
30-49 Female Germany
1433 Selina Kohn
13-14 Female Germany
1434 Fabian Kohn
0-12 Male (24"), 24" Wheel Germany
1435 Isabel Kohn
0-10 Female (20"), 20" Wheel Germany
1436 Augustin MEYER
0-12 Male (24"), 24" Wheel France
1437 Niels Verhamme
17-18 Male Belgium
1440 Tessa Marchon
19-29 Female France
1441 Marie Cortella
19-29 Female France
1442 Baptiste Chapuis
19-29 Male France
1443 Paulin Rebours
19-29 Male France
1444 Axelle Levraud
17-18 Female France
1445 Merlin Rocamora
19-29 Male France
1446 Paul KELLER
17-18 Male France
1447 Emma KELLER
13-14 Female France
15-16 Male France
1451 Wolfgang Pölking
19-29 Male Germany
0-12 Male (24"), 24" Wheel France
1460 Mehdi Mejnaoui
13-14 Male France
1461 Driss Mejnaoui
13-14 Male France
1462 Thémis Hug
17-18 Male France
1463 Konstantin Brandwitte
30-49 Male Germany
1472 Sanne Kjellerup
50+ Female Denmark
1473 Axel Belin
0-12 Male (24"), 24" Wheel France
1474 Corentin MICHARD
0-12 Male (24"), 24" Wheel France
1475 lisa durix
17-18 Female France
1490 Roman LACROIX
19-29 Male France
1491 Sophia Hillenbrand
19-29 Female Germany
1497 Gabriel Prieur
0-12 Male (24"), 24" Wheel France
1501 Louise LEMAIRE
0-12 Female (24"), 24" Wheel France
1502 Matthieu LEMAIRE
0-10 Male (20"), 20" Wheel France
1504 Marieke van der Staak
17-18 Female Netherlands
1512 Matteo Bianchin
13-14 Male Germany
1514 Stéphane Lemaire
30-49 Male France
1519 Thaenthai Kaewmoon
0-12 Male (24"), 24" Wheel Thailand
1526 Frédérique GRANDJEAN
50+ Female France
1537 Alice Berger
0-10 Female (20"), 20" Wheel France
1541 Christoph Bichlmeier
17-18 Male Germany
1542 Malte Voelkel
19-29 Male Germany
1543 Louisa Frahn
17-18 Female Germany
1544 Maya Hartmann
15-16 Female Germany
1545 Merle Sparbier
13-14 Female Germany
1546 Kim Bolfraß
15-16 Female Germany
1547 Marlene Fladung
13-14 Female Germany
1548 Hannah Fladung
15-16 Female Germany
1549 Annika Bergmann
0-12 Female (24"), 24" Wheel Germany
1551 Patrick Rößmann
17-18 Male Germany
1556 Alexander Herden
19-29 Male Germany
1565 Sam Baron--Lachevre
15-16 Male France
1569 Nele Kuhlmann
19-29 Female Germany
1570 Achil DELEMER
15-16 Male France
1579 Johanna Schlieper
13-14 Female Germany
1580 Orika Kubokawa
13-14 Female Japan
1581 Marisa Löckmann
0-12 Female (24"), 24" Wheel Germany
1588 Julia Blocher
13-14 Female Germany
1592 Julia Feldkircher
13-14 Female Germany
1612 Charlotte Leonhardt
19-29 Female Germany
1619 Valentin Klepper
30-49 Male France
1628 Yael BUECHER
13-14 Male France
1629 Lysandre BUECHER
13-14 Male France
1630 Ann-Sophie Reinfelder
15-16 Female Germany
1639 Elina Unz
0-10 Female (20"), 20" Wheel Germany
1640 Hiyori Murai
13-14 Female Japan
1651 Felizia Teichmann
13-14 Female Germany
1652 Larissa Teichmann
0-12 Female (24"), 24" Wheel Germany
1656 Annika Grätzl
0-12 Female (24"), 24" Wheel Germany
1658 Petr Ejem
50+ Male Czechia
1660 Margrethe Buus
15-16 Female Denmark
1662 Alice MIYAUCHI
0-12 Female (24"), 24" Wheel Japan
1663 Prompiriya Sareerat
0-12 Male (24"), 24" Wheel Thailand
1667 Ansgar Pölking
30-49 Male Germany
1668 Christoph Pörschmann
50+ Male Germany
1669 Zoé Dachet
19-29 Female France
1670 Marie-Anne Carpine
19-29 Female France
1671 Yoko MIYAUCHI
30-49 Female Japan
1672 Hannah Grätzl
15-16 Female Germany
1681 Misaki Uchida
15-16 Male Japan
1692 Gry Asferg
15-16 Female Denmark
1693 Ludovic Weil
30-49 Male France
1699 Roger Haun III
15-16 Male Ghana
1700 Thomas Höser
50+ Male Germany
1709 Zachary Wells
30-49 Male Canada
1711 Angelika Heydolph
50+ Female Germany
1713 Alicia Celina Heydolph
19-29 Female Germany
1717 Rebecca Plötz
17-18 Female Germany
1718 Olivier STOEHR
30-49 Male France
1736 Fenja Kjær
15-16 Female Denmark
1741 Nick Bärtschi
13-14 Male Switzerland
1744 emile benard
15-16 Male France
1745 Agathe STOEHR
0-10 Female (20"), 20" Wheel France
1746 Léo Petite-Stork
15-16 Male United Kingdom
13-14 Male France
1769 Ken Fuchs
50+ Male United States
1773 Lea Söser
0-12 Female (24"), 24" Wheel Austria
1777 Brandon Penrod
19-29 Male United States
1778 Marie Louise Petersen
15-16 Female Denmark
1784 Vitus Bieringer
0-12 Male (24"), 24" Wheel Germany
1785 Constantin Bieringer
13-14 Male Germany
1789 sebastien pujol
30-49 Male France
1801 Maëlle ILCINKAS
13-14 Female France
1802 Chloé Ilcinkas
0-10 Female (20"), 20" Wheel France
1804 Carsten Schmidt
30-49 Male Germany
1806 Bodie Terrill
15-16 Male Australia
1812 Pascal Rohn
19-29 Male Austria
1814 Fabian Heiligenmann
17-18 Male Austria
1817 Ariane Rohn
13-14 Female Austria
1818 Evelyn Rohn
17-18 Female Austria
1829 Lars Lottrup
50+ Male Denmark
1837 Xavier BERARD
0-10 Male (20"), 20" Wheel France